Payment Providers: Cardpointe, Cardpointe terminal method

Making a test purchase with the Cardpointe provider, 'cardpointe_terminal' payment method

Go to /sales select a product to test a purchase and proceed to the shopping cart.

If you enable the payment method correctly you should see it in the payment selection combo box.

Payment selection combo

Select the payment method and click Add to add it to the shopping cart.

Payment added to shopping cart

Click "Check out" and a dialog will open asking to continue the purchase processing in the pinpad.

Payment waiting dialog

The pinpad will now ask you to confirm the amount to pay.

Pin pad tap

Once you "Accept" you can tap or scan the CC.

Pin pad amount

Pin pad confirmation

Of accepted the payment will be processed.

Confirmation page

Timed out transaction

You have up to 2 minutes to complete the transaction using the temrinal, after that you will see the following error.

Payment timed out

Cancellation payment

If the payment is cancelled in the terminal you will see the following error.

Payment cancelled

Terminal not connected

If the terminal is not connected to the internet you will see the following error.

Terminal not bolted

No terminal associated to the machine

If the machine doesn't have a terminal associated you will see the following error.

No terminal connected