
Within the Betterez platform, operators have the ability to track sales activity at each station where they have a ticket booth using the shift feature.

Ticket agents log in to the system and select their point of sale location.

At the end of the business day the shift is closed after having reconciled all transactions recorded at the selected stop. When first logging-in, agents will choose their location, and accept the confirmation message to associate all sales made to the selected location. See the image below.

Enabling shifts for user (roles)

Shifts are enabled at the permissions level, so you will need to indicate your account representative what roles will need to use shifts.

Enabling tabs for shift summary

The shift page can show different tabs. Each tab is enable via permissions in the user roles. These are some of the possible tabs:

  • Payments
  • Transactions
  • Tickets (includes flex passes)
  • Fees
  • Refunds
  • Paid in, paid out items
  • Redeemable items
  • Gift certificates
  • Parcels
  • Deposits (It's highly recommended this tab is enable since is needed to "properly" close shifts)
  • Insurances (relevant only if parcel product is enable)
  • Loans
  • Manual Sales
  • Invoices
  • Commissions

my shift

Assigning a default shift location to a user

Users can select (or be assigned) one of more "default" shift locations in the users setting page. If a user has default shift locations assiged, they will not be able to select a different location when opening a shift (see below), just the ones authorized for them.

my shift

This default station(s) flow also interacts with Trusted Machine feature, this means that you need to define both the Trusted machine location AND the user location for this to work.

Opening a shift

If the user has shift enable they will need to open a shift before making a sale, changing a ticket or making a refund.

They can also open a shift going to the My shift menu item.

my shift

The user will be presented with the shift opening screen.

opening a shift

They will need to select the location for the shift, unless they have a default location set in their user profile. In that case they will be presented with one of the following screens.

When there is only one location assigned.

opening a shift with a default location

When the user has more than one location assigned, the can select any of the authorized ones from the dropdown.

opening a shift with a default locations

In either case the user will see a confirmation message. If the data is correct, click Accept to open the shift.

opening a shift confirmation

If you have assigned a specific location to open shift, we will show also your previous shift.

my shift

User sign out

When the user sign out, he will be presented with the following screen.

using sign out

He can sign out (leaving the shift open), for example, switching machines or taking a break.

Or close the shift.

If clicking on the Close shift button, the user will be redirected to the shift screen to complete the process to properly close a shift.

Shift details

The shift details page can be accessed by clicking the My shift menu item.

my shift

It can also be reached using a link on some of the pages where shift id(s) are available (ex: shifts report)

Shift summary

The shift summary will show a summary of payments and variances. (Variances are calculated by the amount of "depositable" payments minus the total amount in the "deposits").

shift summary

Shift summary with blind cash out

In the case of blind cash out, the summary of payments and variances will not be shown until the shift is closed.

shift summary blind cash out

Blind cash out can be enable at the account level.

Detail pages

Below the summary you can find a list of all the tabs enable for the role of the user to get list of the different items associated to a shift.

shift summary

For blind cash out, the Payments tab will not be shown until the shift is closed.

Closing a shift

Click the Close shift button in the shift summary screen to close it.

If there is a variance you will be presented with the following error.

shift error variance

Adding a deposit

So if there is a variance and the user has the Deposits tab enable, they should create a new deposit indicating the amount in their tilt.

shift deposits tab

shift deposit

If you add a deposit with the same bag and slip, the system will return an error.

shift deposit_error

Adding a comment

If after entering the amount to deposit there is still a variance (this should rarely be the case but it can happens if there was for example a cash movement not registered in the system).

The user will see something like this is the shift details

shift variance

If the user click the Close shift button in this case he/she will see the following warning.

shift error variance

If Blind cash out is enable the user will see a warning message instead and no details of deposit in the shift details.

shift variance warning

In both cases the user can enter a comment explaining why they choose to close it and after that they will see the following warning when closing the shift.

shift confirm close

If the user click Accept the shift will be closed.

shift closed

Adding comments when the shift is close

You can ask your account representative to enable a special permission /shift/comments to the role of the users that you want to allow to add comments in shift even when they are closed.

add comment to a closed shift

Printing a shift

A shift should be closed first to be able to be printed. Once is closed, click the Print shift button and a PDF print out will be available.

Searching for shifts

You can use the search feature to search for shifts. Make sure to enter the full shift number all in uppercase, for example: S-X3KKCRD

Shift reports

A report of pass and present shifts is available under Intelligence->Shifts