Transaction Details

This article describes the information contained in the details page on each transaction and tickets.

When to Use

  • Purchase confirmation: Allows you to verify the details of the purchase, such as travel dates, schedules, selected seats, prices and payment methods.
  • Reservation management: Facilitates the change, cancel and/or refund of reservations, with all relevant information.
  • Trip history: Serves as a record of all trips taken per customer.
  • Customer Support and Troubleshooting: Allows the support team to quickly access booking information to resolve user questions and problems.
  • Fraud prevention: Helps detect potential fraudulent activity by analyzing unusual purchase or payment errors.


This section provides a comprehensive overview of all transaction information. We can clasify them in 3 parts:

transaction details page

Key Transaction Details:

  • Transaction Reference Number
  • Customer Information (Email, Name and ID)
  • Current Status
  • Assigned Shift
  • Total Transaction Value
  1. At the right side you will have a set of buttons to perfomed any of the following actions:
  • Cancel: Terminates the current transaction.
  • Email Transaction Details: Sends a detailed email to the customer.
  • Print Transaction Details: Generates a printable document with transaction information.
  • Print Items: Prints both transaction and ticket details.
  • Comment: Allows you to add notes or comments to the transaction.
  1. You can also see the details of
  • This indicates the exact moment when the transaction was generated after the payment.
  • This indicates the customer who the pay for the transaction
  • This indicates the date and hour of the last update

More Details

transaction details page

Transaction Summary: In this section you will have the details of the ticket or tickets the transaction has generated. Each ticket comes with all the information regarding the status, complete prices and payment type. In case a ticket has gone through some of the actions previously discribed in section 2, you will see the status of it and what it may have generated after.

Example: Changed ticket (new status)

transaction details page

For Flex Passes transactions, you will have the link of the flex pass ID:

transaction details page

Every change/cancellation or update that involves a new payment, will always generate a new transaction. In the details of the new transaction you will also have a reference to the old one, to track information and undertsand the status.

Payment Information: All the information about the payment or payments done to get the transaction, according to the payment methods enabled.

Tickets: Ticket or tickets obtained by the transaction, and the basic details of them such as trip information, status, price and payment.

Comments: Another section for adding any comments regarding updates, changes or something important about the transaction.


Details and UI

When a reservation ticket is purchased and the payment is completed in the platform, then you have an available ticket ready to use. The ticket details page has all the basic information on the ticket on the table on the left. You can also click on some parameters to navigate to other pages. For instance, clicking on the travel date will take you to the manifest where the ticket is located. You can access the agent's shift and the JP rule applied for this ticket's pricing as well.

Ticket Status can be affected by payments, post-sales operations, redemptions, or time-based rules.

ticket details page

Some fields, such as the section/row/seat from a ticket may be enabled depending on your account's configuration.

Actions from the UI

The right side buttons let you perform operations after the purchase. These buttons can be enabled or disabled using roles and permissions, so only the allowed collaborators have access to certain actions.

Flexx Pass details

For flex passes you will have a similar display as Ticket Details, but with the additional options of redeem and disable the FP.

ticket details page

Other detail sections

Above transactions and ticket details, there are other sections that add mayor information according to the product type.

In case of Reservation products we have:


ticket details page

For Parcels, we have one more section:

  • PARCEL (tracking status)

ticket details page

Other detail sections: Adapting to the Pricing Scheme

For Market pricing:

In case you are using MP scheme and using modifiers, you will see a section with the Modifier price version ID: link so you can identify modifier set up applied to the ticket.

ticket details page

For Journey pricing:

In case you are using JP scheme, you will see a section with the Journey price version ID: link to take you to the JP rule full details of the ticket.

ticket details page

JP ID link:

ticket details page

Ticket Status

By default, a completed transaction generates paid tickets. This status let's you use the ticket while it is valid.

If your account uses some type of deferred payments, the tickets would be created with a "Watiting for payment" status. This will remain until the payment is completed or it expires. Status will be updated accordingly. While the ticket has a status different than "paid", no actions can be performed on the ticket.

Typically, payments are a commitment between the customer and the company, so payment should always be completed or expire. In the event you need to cancel the transaction within the process, we recommend completing the payment, then cancelling the ticket.

ticket status

Redemption / Check in status

According to your Product Line configuration, you will have a number of redemptions available for use on each ticket. This number is shown in the "Uses" field. Redemption can be done from the Ticket details page, from the Manifest, or by scanning the QR code using the Driver's app.

Once the ticket is out of uses, operations will be greyed out, but all info will be available for later review. You can also manually "unredeem" the ticker directly from this section.

Redeemed ticket

Flexx Pass redemption display

If in the configuration of the product the "Redeemable in advance" option is enabled, the FP will not display the "Redeem" button, but will qlways show the redeemed times on the details section

ticket details page

Additionally, a ticket can be tagged as a "No Show" from the manifest. This option would be used to liberate the seat of a no-show passenger, so it can be sold later.

Once a ticket is tagged as a No show, the ticket is removed from the manifest and the Check in status will be updated. A ticket with this status can still be Moved, Changed or cancelled.

No Show status

To "revive" the ticket, it needs to be changed to a different trip.

No show will affect current + future legs of a connecting trip. No show won’t affect past trips -info no show tickets appear in the comments section as “tickets that were removed from this manifest” -info On the ticket details, the link to the manifest will be disabled.

Ticket operation statuses

Some operations can add a "status" or "tag" to the ticket details page to be able to trace its operation history

  • Moved
  • MovedByIROPs
  • Changed