Amenity group create

Creating an amenity group is the next step in differentiating your fleet of vehicles as well as the services that are offered on them.

To create an amenity group, navigate to Admin -> Amenity groups and click +Add new to go to the New Amenity Group screen. You can then select the amenities that you would like to form part of your new amenity group.


Enter a name to the Amenity Group, remember to add a name in each enabled language.

  • There are two fields to complete. One saves the lexicon value, the other stores the name directly on the object


Then select with a Click the amenities to be included in this group. You may select several ones, or none at all.

External id: You may add an ExternalId to reference an external system.

Associated brands: A brand can exist only in one Amenity group (but you may add many brands in a single amenity group).

Click Save to save your changes.


Once you have added the new amentiy group, it will appear on your list of amenity groups.

The final step is to associate an amenity group to a schedule