
The dashboard allows you to view a breakdown of your transactions, tickets, and journeys in addition to the tickets per channel. Similar to the previous iteration, you can view these quantities in a variety of date ranges: 12 months (annual), 12 weeks (quarter), 30 days (month), 7 days (week), today, and custom ranges. The bar graphs adapt to the selected duration - becoming more granular for shorter time frames i.e. will show by month for the annual selection and by day for the 30 day selection.

You can also filter each of the above by product. Notice that across the top of the transactions and tickets graph, you see 3 metrics: Total sold in the selected duration, Total revenue collected in the selected duration, Average price per Ticket or per Transaction. For the Tickets per Channel chart, you will see the total revenue for each channel, for the selected duration, and product.

Refunds or cancellations are not considered in the totals shown in the dashboard.

See these images below to get an idea of the different graphs:

New Dashboard Transactions

New Dashboard Tickets

New Dashboard Tickets per channel

New Dashboard Journeys