Pricing - point to point

It is a pricing scheme that sets prices from different origins to destinations configured on a route. It does not require greater dynamism in its prices, and can be classified by seat classes, fare classes and effective dates.

To manage the point to point fare tables go to Administration/Pricing schemas>Point-to-point.

pricing admin menu

Fare tables list

Once in the point to point you will see a list of fare tables, grouped by route.

fare table list

The list has the route name, a list of stops in the route and the products associated to that route that have the point-to-point schema. Clicking in a product name will open the fare table details.

You can filter the list by route, product or both. The filters are inclusive, if you select both a route and a product the only results that you will see are fare tables for that product as long as they are also associated to the route. So if that route is not associated to the product you will not see any results.

Another way to get to the Point to point tables is through each route edit page:

  • Administration / Sales inventory / Routes (select the route to edit)

fare table list

Clicking on the fare table of the specific point to point product navigates and show a list of fare tables for this product line.

fare table list

The fare tables will have an effective date, seat class and fare class. It's not possible create or edit a fare tale withe the same or overlapped period, also is not possible create or edit a duplicate fare table.

  • Effective to date and from date: this property defines the effective dates for this fare table to sell the product (This controls selling date. Travel date is controled at schedule dates from/to).
  • Seat Class: if the account has a seat class, the user can add a seat class to apply to the fare table.
  • Fare Class: if the account has a fare class, the user can add a fare class to apply to the fare table.
  • Currency: if the account is a multicurrency, the user can add a currency to apply to the fare table.

Create and updating prices

The user can create a new fare table use the upper right or down left corner of "add new" button.

new fare table

All stations configured on the route are the ones that will appear in the rate table according to the order in which they were added.

  • Route details>Edit

fare table

In the fare table create screen, the user can define the effectives dates, seat class or fare class for this new fare table.

create fare table

If your account is multicurrency, you will see a field to select the currency of the fare table.

create fare table multicurrency account

The stations/stops that are located on the left side are the origin, and those that are located on the upper right side are the destinations.

fare table

Once you complete the changes make sure to SAVE.

You need to create (save) this fare table first before uploading or downloading a CSV.

After saving the values the page will reload and display the new values in the fare table.

Leaving a value empty will result in no sales possible between those two O & D's for that product. If you want to set a Zero value, you should enter "0"

Edit and updating prices

At the moment, if the account does not have Seat Classes, Fare Classes cannot be used as price modificator. If exists more that one fare table with fare classes, the system will takes the cheapest one.

The user can edit an exist fare table, clicked in the "edit".

edit fare table

This will open the details screen. It's the same screen as to create a new fare table but the fields will be completed with the information associated to the fare class that you are editing.

edit fare table screen

Once you complete the changes make sure to SAVE.

If the fare table has an overlapped period whit another fare table, you see these messages

edit fare table screen

In order to be able to apply the prices to the seats, the seat must be configured in the seat map with the corresponding seat class.

Using CSV to upload prices

Sometimes you may want to change all or most of the prices associated to a fare table. In those case you can download a CSV file with the existing values, change it using Excel or a text editor and upload the new file.

To download the existing prices click the Download button.

fare table download

After modifying and saving the file (as a CSV) into your computer, click the Upload button.

fare table upload

It will show a file selection component. Click on the component and your computer will open a file browser window (it depends on the operating system). Select the file you just saved with the new prices. In the example below the name of the file is fares.csv. If the file is processed correctly you will see the new values in the table. Then you need to press Save to apply the changes, otherwise the values will loss.

fare table upload processing

If everything is fine you will see the next message.

fare table upload success

In case of an error you will see an error message. (The error will be different based on what went wrong)

fare table upload error

Accessing from the route details page

fare table route page

In the route details page, for the products that use the point-to-point pricing schema, you will see a link that will take you to the fare table page directly.

Common problems

During the creation or update of a fare table may appear some errors related with his values. The tables has a validation that restrict its structure. This way, the fare tables with overlapped effective dates must have the same shape. It means that all of them (overlapped) must have values and blanks in same positions.

For example: If exists a fare table with the next structure values:

fare table with blank

Then if we want to add another with overlapped dates, but with a different structure, the system will throw an error indicating a conflict with other fare tables in certain positions.

fare table without blank

fare table error validation

The message specify the origin/destination and identifiers of the fare tables in conflict.

Other example: If exists a fare table with values in certains positions and then we want to add a new fare table with a blank in that positions, the system will throw the next error.

fare table error validation

In order to solve this error, and if you need to change the fare table structure, first you have to change the effective dates to avoid the error, update the table values and save. Then you can update the other fare table. Finally you should back the effective dates to previous values.