Payments - Loans

Loans is a payment feature that will allow you to provide "pay on delivery" or "collect" services to your customers. This is also often used for a pre-reservation flow for ticket sales.

To enable this, please contact your Betterez sales rep or send an email to

Configuring Loans

The first step is to make sure the "deferred_payment" method is enabled in your account under Admin>Payments.


You should be careful when defining the products and channels for this payment type, as it doesn't require a payment when doing the "booking".

Pricing or extra fees can be managed in several ways. You can define specific pricing for each "Service type", one of them can be pricing for the pay on delivery method. For parcel pricing methods, please check Parcel Zones or Zone prices.

Sales process

Once you have finished configuration, you can go to your product and follow the sales process as usual. In the shopping cart, choose COD (collect on delivery) or the name you chose for the "deferred_payment" method. Then, complete the sales process.

In the Payment confirmation page you will see a Total paid of $ 0.00, and the created loan code next to it.


You can then go to the Transaction details page, and you will see that the transaction has a "Waiting for payment" status, and the Payments information will show a pending status as well.



Electronic Invoices

If your account uses electronic invoices, consider that the invoice won't be generated when the loan is given, but rather when the loan payment is completed.

The invoice will be issued under the original transaction.


The loan will be registered as a $0 transaction in the shift where the loan was originally created. The loan repayment will be registered in a new shift (where the payment is received later).

Paying a loan

First, go to the transaction details. Then, click on Pay Loan.


A banner asking for confirmation will appear, click on Accept. You will be redirected to the Shopping Cart.


You can pay with any enabled payment, as a regular booking. A new transaction will be generated for the loan payment:


Refunding a loan

Loans will remain in Waiting for payment status if they are not paid. In the event you wish to cancel it, the recommended procedure is to complete the payment, and then cancel it using a pre configured internal payment method. While the transaction is still in the waiting for payment status, you can still cancel individual parcels in this transaction.