Trusted untrusted users

Betterez untrusted and trusted users

In certain circumstances and for security reasons, an organization may wish to limit use of the Betterez application to specific authorized devices. In such a case, the Betterez application has an added security feature that enables the classification of user roles in one of two categories:

1.Untrusted user

2.Trusted user

This precondition of classifying user roles can be accomplished by working with a Betterez support analyst by sending an email to add/remove the appropriate permissions from a particular user role to make the role trusted or untrusted.

After the user roles have been defined and updated, it is important to understand the user journey of both types of user.

Untrusted user

This user type may ONLY log into the Betterez application using a trusted machine.

Employee (untrusted user) journey:

-Login in an untrusted machine.

-Login fails with non trusted machine message.

Untrusted login

-Calls supervisor.

After the untrusted machine has been updated to trusted for a given time period (refer to supervisor journey below), the untrusted user may:

-Login to the same machine.

-Login successfully.

-The user now has a trusted machine.

Trusted user

This user type may log into the Betterez Application from any machine and may authorize untrusted machines to become trusted machines for a given time period.

Supervisor (trusted user) journey:

-Login in a non trusted machine.

-Navigate to Admin > Trust-Machine.

Trusted User config 1

-Set duration that machine is to be trusted, in days (default 30 days).

-Set the counter number, it is the number to identify a machine.

-Set the location or the station where the machine will be located.

-Click Accept.

-The same screen shows This is a trusted machine.


The user will then Log out.