In order to configure a paid-in item, go to Admin > Items and select + Add New Item to arrive at the New Item screen to begin the configuration.

You will be able to create an item ONLY if you have previously created a Paid In Item product.


Continue filling in the common fields:


Name: Add the name of the apply in station item.

Type: Select the product from the drop-down menu to which you would like to associate the apply in station item. Apply in station items will only appear as selectable if Paid in item product is selected.

Amount: Enter the cost of the applied in-station item.

Editable amount: If =true, the price of the paid in item can be edited at the time of purchase.

Taxable: If =true, tax configured in the account will be applied to the paid in item.

Printable: If =true, the paid in item will be printable and print automatically with the downloaded ticket.

Disabled: If =true, the paid in item will not be available for sale.

Description and notes content should be identical: If =true, the content entered into the description field and notes field must be identical in order to proceed with the purchase.

Apply to station: refer to section below - Apply to Station


  • Predefault value: Text that will appear by default in the description text box.
  • Display: If =true, the Description box will appear.
  • Printable: If =true, the Description contents will appear in the printed receipt.
  • Required: If =true, the text box cannot be empty to continue to the checkout.

    Adding a predefault value adds a value to the text box, so it could override the "required" condition.


  • Predefault value: Text that will appear by default in the notes text box.
  • Display: If =true, the Notes box will appear.
  • Printable: If =true, the Notes contents will appear in the printed receipt.
  • Required: If =true, the text box cannot be empty to continue to the checkout.

    Adding a predefault value adds a value to the text box, so it could override the "required" condition.

Apply to Station

Creating and using an Apply-To-Station paid-in item follows the same process as creating Paid an item product and making it available for sale. There is, however, one small difference as it pertains to the purchase flow of that item.

In some cases, there are instances where an operator may want to include (and charge) an item that will be automatically purchased upon arrival at the destination station.

The case of a ferry station can be used to highlight this feature. A passenger who will be arriving at a ferry station by bus will typically have the intention of boarding the ferry to continue the journey to the final destination, so in this case, it may be convenient to include the cost of the ferry ticket in the price of the journey from the origin to the final destination.

As a separate ticket will be needed to board the ferry, for this case, the "Apply to station" item function is used.


Apply to station: If =true, new Apply to station configuration options will appear.

Product: Select the reservation product to which you would like to associate the Apply to station item.

Fare: Select the fare type to which you would like to associate the Apply to station item.

Day of the week: Select the days of the week when the Apply to station item option is available.

Route: Select the route which contains the station to which the Apply to station item will be associated.

Station: Select the station to which the Apply to station item will be associated.

Click Save to save your progress.

In a situation where more than one station along a passenger's route has an "Apply to station" item, the last station a customer passes through with an "Apply to station" item will be associated. This means you cannot have more than one item attached to a single ticket.

Now when buying a ticket, the Paid in item will be shown in the summary of what is going to be charged


Station Paid in Items in Web Sales

At the time of checkout, you will see in the details to pay, the paid in item section


Station Paid in Items in the Betterez App

When you want to sell a ticket from the Scanner App and your product has a Station Paid In item, it will reflect in the price shown at the checkout but not in the details as a separate item.

  • In this example, we have configured a price of 80$ and a paid-in item of 3$, having a total of 83$
