Manual Sales Registration

Manual sales represent tickets sold on board the bus in cash, for which the passenger is given a manual ticket. The sales process is entirely manual, and this feature is meant to provide a way of registering these sales inside the Betterez platform.

Steps to configure

  1. Enable the setting from here: admin/sales-inventory/operation-settings. "Enable the assignment of manual ticket sequences to users"

    manual ticket config

  2. Go to admin > Users > (your user), then on the ticket sequences section:{userId}, add a new sequence.

    manual ticket config2

  3. The user (driver) must be assigned to the manifest where he was selling the tickets.

    manual ticket manifest

  4. Then, when he arrives at the station, the user (driver) must upload manifest date, schedule name, driver and tickets * with their prices :{shiftId}/manual-sales . The button to manual sales is in the manual sales tab on the shift page.

    manual sales shift

    manual sales shift

  5. Amounts are added to the shift balance as a cash amount, and should be deposited before closing the shift.

    manual sales shift

Possible errors

  • The ticket # must match the format entered in step 2, otherwise you will get an error.

    manual sales error

  • Tickets numbers must be unique, consecutive and not already used.

    manual sales error

Roles and permissions

/admin/sales-inventory/operation-settings /admin/users/ticket-sequences /shift/manual-sales