Special service requests - SSRs

A Special Service Request (SSR) allows operators to provide additional services to their passengers such as requests for accessible seating, requiring wheelchair storage, or declaring that a service animal accompany the passenger on board.

To create a SSR, navigate to Admin -> Special requests.


On the top right of the screen, click on +Add new.


You will need to complete the fields for your new SSR. It is necessary to fill these in all languages available in your account.


Name and description

Name: Enter the name of the special request,Ex. Service Animal on Board.

Description: Enter a description that describes the request.

Terms and conditions: Enter the product specific terms and conditions.

Display Options

Code: Enter a four-character code which will be displayed on the resulting ticket. (Example WHCH for wheelchair)

Order: The higher the value that is entered, the farther in the list of options it will appear.

Icon: Select from the drop down the icon you want to represent this product.

Status: If Disabled=true, the SSR will be unavailable for sale.

Display and printing options: You can choose if the SSR will be shown in different parts of the system Display icon in 5 day outlook by checking this box the request will show on the 5 day outlook to make it more noticeable.


Printable If =true, the SSR will appear on the printed ticket. Print in PDF ticket If =true, the SSR will appear on the PDF ticket. Display/print in manifest If =true, the SSR will display/show in Manifest.


Fee $: Enter a corresponding fee, if applicable.

Cutoff time: Enter the time (in minutes) that you would like to cut off sales of this service prior to the departure of the schedule.

Capacity impact: Enter a value so that the special service affects the capacity of the scheduled route, as in, it will update the capacity of the trip in which the ticket was purchased.

Scope: Apply to only one trip on a roundtrip If =true, the SSR will only apply to one trip on a round trip. Apply by journey If =true, the SSR will be applied by journey with connections.

Product lines: Select the product(s) that you would like to associate the special service. SSRs are only applicable to Reservation products.


You can select the SSR type here. Depending on which option you select, other parameters need to be filled.


If checked, it will only allow travellers the option to check it if required.

Needs a quantity

If =true, passenger will have the option to select a number of items for the request before continuing through the purchase flow. You can select if this field is mandatory or not. If mandatory it wont allow to continue unless the passenger picks a number.

You can select a max number of items with no charge (i.e. 2 bags), and a Max quantity. The price will be added up per each additional item.

Singular you need add the word in singular that will be displayed besides the number 1 (ex: if you enter the word Bag, we will show 1 Bag) Plural You need to add the word in plural that will be displayed besides numbers greater than 1 (ex: if you enter the word Bags, we will show 2 Bikes) Empty or cero, you need to enter a phrase to be displayed intead of the number cero (ex: if you enter the phrase No Bags, we will display exactly that: No Bags)


Rules by brand Allows to override the fee, the maximum with no charge and the Maximum quantity values for specifics brands and enable the ssr only for those brands. The ALL BRANDS option rule will match with all brands.

If multiple rules match with a trip, then the values are calculated as follows:

  • Take the lowest Minimum Quantity of all brands.
  • Take the lowest Maximum Quantity of all brands.
  • Take the price of the brand with the lowest Minimum Quantity (if more than one match, ex: three brands with the same minimum quantity, pick the lowest price).


Needs a free text field

This option will add a free text next to the request in the booking flow for passenger to add additional notes that might be requiered based on the SSR as shown below:


Needs multiple values

This will allow you to add personalized values based on your product that might be required based on the SSR. This SSR type can also be made mandatory:


Note: The default value will not appear in the reports, so we advise to use this as a hint for agents/customers.

Always click Save to save your new SSR.

Sales Flow

Now the SSR will appear in the back office sales flow under Additional Services.


If your SSR was configured as mandatory, it will appear next to the passenger name. Otherwise, it will be under a dropdown titled "Additional Services"


Follow this link to know more about other optional admin configuration set ups