For those accounts which are ready to work with the simplified sales flow, there is an option to associate paid in items to a ticket purchase representing a percentage of the ticket price. To be sure the account is able to do that, go to Admin -> Setup and check the value of the “Use simplified sales flow with reservation products" flag in the first white card. If it's checked, we are ready to start setting the paid in item by % of ticket price:

Simplified sales flow setting

The starting point to get this functionality working is to have a paid in family product already created and set to work in backoffice. Go to Admin -> Product Lines and check if the account has the right product having the paid in product family in place and check if it's properly set:

 Paid in product family

We'll always have the chance to create a new one if required with the Add New button.

What we need now is to have an item associate to that paid in product. If we go to Admin -> Items and edit one of them, we'll notice the Type field will show the different options of Paid in products. We need to choose one of them. But that's not the only setting required, since we need to choose Percentage as the Item value type. When the item type is Percentage, we are forced to relate the item to a Reservation product in order to get it working along the simplified sales flow. Reservation products will be listed under Product field:

 Paid in item type

The amount value is the precentage which will be applied to the related ticket price by the time we'll be checking out our purchase along the simplified sales flow of the Reservation family product we already set:

Before checking out our purchase with the simplified sales flow

First thing to notice is the paid in item name will be shown under the Additional services section of each passenger card, so we could select them in a per passenger basis. By the time we select it, the calculated percentage over the ticket price will be displayed right next to the paid in item name. In this sample we wanted to purchase three tickets, two adults and one child, but we chose the Extra bag paid in item for the first and the third passenger only, one adult and one child. If we take a look at the Summary section, we'll find 2 x Extra bag items listed there, with the right price already calculated, which in this case is the 50% of the associated ticket price.

After checking out we'll have not only the three different tickets in the shopping cart, which were created with the proper trip for the different passengers, but also notice two extra items having the information of the associated ticket and passenger, belonging to the paid in items purchased:

Paymants with paid in tickets created