
141 results for "sales"

Paid in item create

Creating and using an Attach-To-Ticket paid-in item follows the same process as creating Paid an item product and making it available for sale. There is, however, one small difference as it pertains to the purchase flow of a reservation product, since users will have the chance to choose it or not at the end of the new sales flow



Within the Betterez platform, operators have the ability to track sales activity at each station where they have a ticket booth using the shift feature.


Products - parcels

In this section enter the name, descriptions and icon that will be used to display the product in the product selection page during the sales process, as well as the order in which the product will be displayed in the page.


Payment Providers: Default Referenced payment methods

Trip departure time offset: This value apply when the sale is made near of the trip departure time and override partially maximum waiting time behaviour.
If the sale is made between trip departure minus this offset, the expiration time will be set from that moment plus the offset. This feature set a time window where the system extends the expiration time beyond the trip departure. Also, it allow made sales after trip departure.
The next image shows two sales made within of time window.



By checking all checkboxes, the promotion would be available in Back-End, Agency Back End, Web sales and Agency Web sales.



In order to purchase a flex pass there first must exist a flexpass payment type as well as a flexpass product in your account. Once created, the flexpass can be made available for purchase in the backoffice, agency backoffice, websales, and/or agency websales sales channels.

monthly passdaily passpass productflexpassmulti-pass

Products - bundles

In this section enter the name, descriptions and icon that will be used to display the product in the product selection page during the sales process, as well as the order in which the product will be displayed in the page.

bundleredeemable items

Using the scanner app

Once the Sales configuration is ready, you can sell from the app by tapping on the current station and selecting "Sell tickets from here".


Seatmap liveseatmap

There are 4 channels for the Booking Session Grace Period/Timer (holding time) in order: back office, back office agency, web sales and web sales agency. This sets a user's seat selection holding time during which another customer who is looking at the EXACT same schedule and seatmap would not be able to click the seat that has already been selected by that user. This is updated real time, as one user selects and deselects in the seatmap page, another customer can see the seatmap availability change.

'Attach to ticket' Paid in item

What we need now is to have an item associate to that paid in product. If we go to Admin -> Items and edit one of them, we'll notice the Type field will show the different options of Paid in products. We need to choose one of them. But that's not the only setting required, since we need to turn the Attach to Ticket flag ON and doing so we'll have the chance to set a Product related from a list of Reservation products in order to get it working along the simplified sales flow:

paid inattachedticket

Products - Paid in item

In this section enter the name, descriptions and icon that will be used to display the product in the product selection page during the sales process, as well as the order in which the product will be displayed in the page.

Paid-inPaid inPaidAncillary

Self service change

The same web sales cutoff rules that were set up for your product lines will apply for self service change, meaning that your customers will be affected by these cutoff times when attempting a change. If you set the web sales cutoff time to 1440 minutes (24 hours), your customers cannot change their ticket within 24 hours of their trip and cannot change a future ticket to a trip traveling in the next 24 hours.



In order to purchase a flex pass there first must exist a flexpass payment type as well as a flexpass product in your account. Once created, the flexpass can be made available for purchase in the backoffice, agency backoffice, websales, and/or agency websales sales channels.

monthly passdaily passpass productflexpassmulti-pass


The product mapping allows you to select for which common consumer and provider product sales can be made. Only available for reservation and ticket product families. It is possible to select more than one.


Shopping cart

Betterez web sales platform is setup with a shopping cart tool, that allows customers to efficiently purchase multiple trips.


Check in settings

Capture information during the sales flow: If enabled the user will be presented with the check-in information field to be filed during the sales flow for each passenger, if any of the schedules in the trip requires check-in. This property can be selected only if the account enables check in for selected trips.


Other Redemptions

First access the web sales window and select the service you want to apply the gift certificate to. In this example we will reserve a ticket. Enter the origin, destination, and type of fare. Select the desired trip. Enter the passenger's details and any additional services they require. Review the details of the trip and press the checkout button.



Shift Locations Select the shift locations which will be available for the user to open a shift for the sales flow. Only into the selected locations, user will be able to open it. By default, "All" option is set, so that all options will be available, included the new created stations.


Create a Gift certificate product

Gift certificates are multi-use promotional tools, where operators can assign a discounted value from various base fares. Once enabled your organization will be able to sell gift certificates to your customers through the backoffice app as well as through your websales app.


Schedule assigning amenity group

Navigate to Admin > Sales inventory > Routes and select the route that contains the schedule to which you would like to associate an amenity group.

No confirmation email for login users

Once administrators or agents log into Betterez to purchase a ticket via the back end sales portal by using their login email in customer information field, they won't receive the purchase confirmation email as they can check and download it at any time in Betterez platform.

Scanner app changelog 9.x.x

  • We introduced seat selection capability on the already existing sales flow. At the moment the app supports traditional seatmaps only (i.e the new version of seatmaps is not supported yet).

Operating companies

First, navigate to the Admin > Sales inventory > Routes. Next, select the Route that contains the schedule to which you would like to associate the operating company. Finally, go to the Operating Company drop down menu and select and click Save


Items report

The Items report allows to view information related to any paid-in or paid-out transactions that were done through any of your sales channels.


Transaction report

The Transactions Report lets you access a great deal of useful information pertaining to the financial transactions that have been done through all of your sales channels, using any payment method. This also includes the use of redeemable items when creating a ticket.


Fees report

The Fees report allows to view information related to any fees that are enabled in your account and that were applied through any of your sales channels.


Service types

You will need to enter a name in each of the languages enabled for your account. This is the name that will be used in the sales page and in the waybill as well that in reports and parcel details page.

parcelszone pricesservice types

Filter trips

Operators can now choose the specific trips to hide from the backoffice or websales trips results page. To do this, you need to go to Sales to search the trip that want to hide and click on the filter this trip on the upper right of the trip result.

Journey Pricing: Create and Update rules

If you want to create a daily rule to apply every day for a period of time, you would need to set a rule for every day. It will apply only for that one day. You can set this for a month (ex: 30 rules, one of each day of the month for sales within 01:00am to 05:00am) and you can update them for the following month at the end of their period of validity.

pricingjourneyjourney pricingreservations

Shopping cart

Betterez's back office sales platform is setup with a shopping cart tool, that allows you to efficiently purchase multiple trips.

Shopping cart

Fare type combo box

When a customer confirms membership to part of a special group to which special pricing applies, the back office agent can use hide their fare type behind a combo box in order find the special fare agreement before requesting ID and continuing through the sales flow to purchase a reservation product.

Operation messages create

The use of the operation messages feature will help communicate service disruptions/cancellations in a particular area to customers (via websales) and back-office users alike purchasing a reservation product or redeeming a flex-pass for a reservation.

Payments report

The Payments report allows to view information related to any transactions done through any of your sales channels. The way the information is displayed makes it easier to identify any group of transactions that may have some issue with the payments, or get information by shift location to be able to evaluate specific agencies.


Changing a ticket

When a Flexpass is configured to be "redeemed in advance, " customers can enter the sales flow to reserve a seat before their trip and "pay" using their flex pass. Tickets that were generated from a flexpass redemption can be changed or cancelled to free seats. However, the system will not grant any credit for the change operation to prevent fraud.


Stations and locations

If you edit an existing station's name, the change will flow through to all the Routes, Schedules, and Fares already set up. Editing a Station name will also reset the Filtered Trips. This means that all Filtered Trips will show up both in the Backoffice and Web Sales, which is why we recommend not changing a Station name after trips have been filtered out.



You can configure certain aspects of the websales application from Administration / Web Sales
