
111 results for "purchases"

Journey Pricing: Create and Update rules

Enter the type of price adjustment that should be applied to the journey when a passenger purchases a Round Trip. If the trip departs and returns on the same day you should set the Same day option. Possible values are: % (adjust the base price of the journey by a percentage), $ (adjust the base price of the journey by a dollar amount), override (change the base price of the journey).

pricingjourneyjourney pricingreservations

Payments moneris address verification

Enabling this feature does not in of itself prevent fraudulent purchases, in fact, in most cases credit card issuers will still accept payments, even if there is no match.


In the case where transaction has one Customer but the ticket has a different passenger (ex: customer buys a ticket for a relative) if you change or move this ticket using a regular move, the Customer and Passenger will remain as in the original transaction. But if the ticket is moved using unrestrictive move, the resulting transaction will create a new customer with the passenger information provided. Example. Customer A with email purchases a ticket for Passenger B with email If this ticket is moved using the unrestrictive move it actually creates a new customer with the Passenger B information. The new transaction will have then Passenger B both as customer of this transaction and passengerfor the ticket. So for unrestrictive move if customer and passengers are not the same, it actually creates a new customer with the passenger information.


Products - flexpass

Usages per trip: Entering a value of greater than 1 will allow multiple reservations to be made on the same schedule. Once the number of usages per trip exceeds the value entered, an error message will appear informing the user that they have exceeded the maximum number of purchases for that trip.


Create New Customer

A new customer is automatically created every time there is a unique combination of name and email at the time a customer purchases a ticket and it picks the information of the payment screen. The customer wont be the passenger (the person travelling) but the person actually paying for the tickets. In most cases this is the same person but it can change when a person is purchasing a ticket for another person or when there are more than one passengers in one transaction.

New Customer

Account preferences

Default shift location The selected station will be used by default in cases where the user has not setup a shift during the sales process. ie. to calculate taxes based on province on products that don't use a station, for example, paid in. It's also used when making purchases via websales for those same type of products.
