
87 results for "trips"

Filter trips

We highly recommend you adjust the connection engine settings before deciding to filter trips using this feature, because it will be easier to maintain in the long run.

No found trips message

The Custom message for no found trips can be used by operators who want to show a message when customers try to book a ticket that is not available.

Products - flexpass

Avoid overlapping times in different trips: If =true, an error message will appear on the passenger details screen if the same flexpass is used to redeem two trips with overlapping journey times on the same date.


Sales Flow

The Departure Trip will be displayed with the available trips and the departure time of each trip and then select the desired trip and click on the next button.


Check in settings

Enable check in for selected trips: If enabled you will be able to set some schedules as requiring check in as well as to set some new validations for the scanner app


Where's my bus?

By clicking on it, they are brought to the list of active trips. That is, the trips active for today, and tomorrow up to 6 am (account's timezone).


Shopping cart

Betterez's back office sales platform is setup with a shopping cart tool, that allows you to efficiently purchase multiple trips.

Shopping cart

Journey Pricing: Create and Update rules

You can also set a Sell time inverval so this rule will only target purchases that are made sometime between the SELL START DATE (starting on that day at the time specified) and SELL END DATE (ending on that day at that specifc time), or you can set a Trip interval so it will only target trips that depart sometime between the TRIP START DATE and TRIP END DATE.

pricingjourneyjourney pricingreservations

Changing a ticket

Proceed to select the new schedule for the trip or trips and update any Passenger details, which means that you can also change the passenger.



You should only disable the back button if you are deep-linking into the trips result page from your own page.



Since you have already added the stations which will be consider the Origin and Destination for each section of your trips, these will show on the Fare Table and you would only need to add pricing for each segment in the fare triangle. In order to learn how to add a fare table, click on our documentation to *Create a Fare Table


Shopping cart

Betterez web sales platform is setup with a shopping cart tool, that allows customers to efficiently purchase multiple trips.


Ridership report

The Ridership report allows to view the number of ticket redemptions per schedule in a specific time window. It was recently enhanced to show trips from the current day.



  • Blackout: If there will be no service on this holiday day, select this box. This will mean that no trips will be available even if at schedule level is configured to run on holidays.
Blackout datesholidays

Wait list

In the event a trip is sold out and the customer would like to be notified when it is available again, the waitlist feature can be used. In order to enable this, please make sure to have the Show sold out trips enabled, as these features work together.

manifestwait listsold out

Estaciones y ubicaciones

-Danger Si edita el nombre de una estación existente, el cambio fluirá a todas las rutas, horarios y tarifas ya configuradas. La edición de un nombre de la estación ** también ** restablecerá los [viajes filtrados] (../ operaciones/70_filter_trips#). Esto significa que todos los viajes filtrados aparecerán tanto en el backoffice como en las ventas web, por lo que recomendamos no cambiar el nombre de una estación después de que se hayan filtrado los viajes.
