
73 results for "exchange"

Multicurrency solution

  • A Currency Exchange Report can be enabled in the account in order to track currency conversions, exchange rates, and other useful transactional information.

Multicurrency account

In this case, the account would like to display and accept USD as well. The exchange when receiving USD will be 1 CAD = 0.72 USD and when returning USD will be 1 CAD = 0.80 USD.

Pricing - Journey pricing

  • In case of multircurrency accounts, rules with lower weight will be filtered out regardless of the currency. It is recommended to make sure the high weight rules are defined in all available currencies, so the expected price is pulled. If a high weight rule is only defined in one currency, then the exchange rate will be used when requesting the price in a different currency.
pricingjourneyjourney pricingreservations