
80 results for "Provider"


Navigate to admin>interline to invite another company to become your provider and start an interline relationship or to configure your current consumers.



If Use receipt fields from the products providers is selected, these fields may be overwritten by the product provider configuration.



  • Depend on the payment provider, generally a refund can’t be done to a transaction that is older than 180 days.

Payments online refunds

Although it would depend on what the payment provider allows, generally you can't do a refund for a transaction that is older than 180 days.

Products create gift certificate

Finally, navigate to Admin - > Payments and ensure that gift_certificate is enabled as a payment provider. This feature allows you to turn Gift Certificates on or off.

Print templates overrides

In the Global configuration you have to select the type of the print template. Some of this types will require some extra configuration, like the Product type, that requires the Product family to be selected, or the Invoice type, that requires the Invoice provider to be selected.

printingprint templatesprintersoverrides