
189 resultados de "MIT"

Proveedores de pagos

Navegue a Admin> Pagos Desplácese para encontrar el tipo de pago MIT_SANDANDER y haga clic en el nombre. Puede encontrar más información sobre el método 'mit_santander' en el artículo [Flujo de ventas] (/contenido/ventas/904_payments_mit#).


Using the scanner app

  • Scan with sounds: (since v7.6.0) When enabled the app will emit a sound for successful scans and a different sound for scan results that requires driver's action, like warnings and errors. Make sure to adjust the "media" volume of android for this setting.

Payments online

Nota: el pago en línea solo admite tarjetas de crédito, los pagos con tarjeta de débito solo se admiten en persona.


Permitir que el control filtre las opciones del menú. (Alfa): Si es = verdadero, esto permitirá al usuario habilitar un filtro para usar en el menú Operaciones, el menú Inteligencia y el menú Administración.


Terminales de pago

El protocolo puede ser una de dos opciones ws o wss si sus terminales tienen habilitado WSS (Secure web socket), debe seleccionar WSS; si no, aún puede usar WS, pero tendrá que [Configurar su navegador para permitir conexiones ws a través de https](#configurando-su-navegador-para-permitir-conexiones-ws-a través-https)

pagoscomprasingenicocarril 3000plaza

Configuración de administrador opcional

Una Solicitud de servicio especial (SSR) permite a los operadores brindar servicios adicionales a sus pasajeros, como solicitudes de asientos accesibles, requerir almacenamiento para sillas de ruedas o declarar que un animal de servicio acompañe al pasajero a bordo.

pagopagos administrativosimpuestosferiadostarifassolicitudes especialesconexionesamenidadesnotificacionesagenciasvalescertificados de regalomensajes de operaciónempresa operadorapromocioneslíneas de productos

Products - parcels

Limit packages per shipment If selected you should also enter the maximum number of packages to be able to purchase together in a shipment.



The When a direct trip is available, display only the fastest X connecting trips setting will limit the total number of trip results to the configured number, keeping only the fastest ones (not taking into consideration the arrival and departure times - just looking that the trip duration).


Parcel fare type

  • For oversize packages, you can create another fare class. Follow the steps above except, when it comes to entering maximum dimensions, increase the weight limit and under 'Adjustment Type' drop-down list, choose '% percentage', '$ dollar' or 'override price', and enter the appropriate values. See an example below where 'override price' is selected. Note that for the '% percentage' option, the system will pull the route price from the appropriate zone table, and apply the overrage % to it.

Creating fare types

  • If there are two "is companion" fare types travelling with one "requires companion" fare type, the system will permit the cancellation of one of the "is companion" fare types, but not both, without having to cancel the "requires compaion" fare type.

Network / Agencies

Navigate to admin>network to configure your own account's network configuration, or to manage the agencies partnered with your account. By definition, a network agency is a secondary -but independent- account with limited access to your inventory.


Products - flexpass

Usages per day: Entering a value here will limit the flex pass to that amount of usages per day. If the flexpass exceeds the value entered, an error message will appear informing the user that they have exceeded the amount of of uses per day permitted by the flexpass for the selected departure date.


Seatmap seat synchronization place on hold

The length of time is configurable by Back-Office, Agency Back Office, Web sales, and Agency Web Sales channels. Once the length of time spent that the seat is on hold exceeds the configured amount of time, the sale will no longer be permitted and the seat will be liberated for potential sale by another customer.