
48 results for "zone prices"

Pricing - parcel zones

Navigate to admin>pricing>parcel zones.

Select a product to associate this zone to a parcel product. Make sure is the correct product. This combo box will show all products of the parcel family, regardless of the pricing schema configured in the product. This allows you to create a parcel zone for a product configured with a different pricing schema and change the pricing schema of the product once all the prices are created.

pricingparcel zoneszones

Parcel zones

In order to create zones:

Any given province or state can only be associated with one zone. This means that if you have one set of prices for intra-provincial parcels and another for inter-provincial parcels, then you have to create a new product line to be able to have a new set of zone prices for the same province

Products - parcels

Betterez offers three possible pricing schemas for products of the parcel family, Distance by postal code, Distance by google maps and Zone pricing.

You can also disable printing of all prices and payment types by unchecking Print prices in waybill


Pricing - Journey pricing

The Proration Table is used to properly calculate taxes on connecting trips that might go through provinces or zones with different tax rates.

Journey pricing is a pricing schema used to set special prices for specific O&D’s, that require dynamism using the different parameters that the configuration offers.

pricingjourneyjourney pricingreservations

Route price buckets

Operators looking to adjust their prices for schedules over a specific date range with different capacities can take advantage of the Betterez Price Buckets feature. This will enable you to price your seats based on capacity buckets for normal and promotional loading.


Account preferences

Timezone is a very important setting and it should be correct, since it will be used as the default for all stations in your system unless they have a different timezone set.

By default, taxes (if configured) will be calculated on top of the prices for trips or items. The taxes will not be displayed in the trip results and they will be displayed itemized in the shopping cart before the purchase is finalized.



Time: Enter the schedule departure time in 24 hour clock, ex. 18:30 or 02:25. All schedule times will be based on the account time zone and not the station time zone. Schedule times need to be offset considering the difference between the account timezone and the actual time for the schedule in the local time zone for it to show the correct time in the booking flow.

If the purpose of the expirtation of a schedule is to change stations, as you are not going to use one, be sure that all prices in faretables related top that specific station are deleted.


Parcel fare type

  • For oversize packages, you can create another fare class. Follow the steps above except, when it comes to entering maximum dimensions, increase the weight limit and under 'Adjustment Type' drop-down list, choose '% percentage', '$ dollar' or 'override price', and enter the appropriate values. See an example below where 'override price' is selected. Note that for the '% percentage' option, the system will pull the route price from the appropriate zone table, and apply the overrage % to it.
  • You also need to check the 'Required maximum dimensions' box, and enter the package dimensions and weight at which you'd like to restrict standard package prices. These dimensions are mandatory unless it's for sending a prepaid envelope.

Products - reservations

The point to point schema works adding a price triangle in each route. You will be able to enter prices for the O & D combinations in each route. Connecting trips (if connections are enable for your account), will be calculated as the sum of each individual price as defined in each of the triangles of the routes.


Account setup

  • Show group ticket prices instead of individual prices This setting works in combination with Use Single Sales Flow when it's checked. Along the trip results in the sales flow it will show the cheapest total amount of the ticket prices for the passengers selected or the cheapest price of a single ticket.

Shopping cart

Each time you choose to continue shopping, a new operation begins where prices are calculated depending on the criteria defined at the time the search is executed. The shopping cart groups each of the selections together as the price is calculated based on all the properties defined.

Shopping cart

Creating fare types

  • Is base Fare?: The base fare refers to the price from which all other prices will be calculated. All other fare types that are not the base fare will be calculated using adjustments to the base fare.

Sales Flow

Fare types can affect your prices depending on the type itself, sales channels, etc. To configure the different fare types, please follow this link to the Fare Type creation support article. Creating fare types


Payments - Loans

Pricing or extra fees can be managed in several ways. You can define specific pricing for each "Service type", one of them can be pricing for the pay on delivery method. For parcel pricing methods, please check Parcel Zones or Zone prices.

Pricing or extra fees can be managed in several ways. You can define specific pricing for each "Service type", one of them can be pricing for the pay on delivery method. For parcel pricing methods, please check Parcel Zones or Zone prices.



Don't print prices in pdf ticket if checked, the ticket will not show the prices on the pdf ticket



Value(%): The tax rate percentage, this will be used to calculated the taxes for all taxable items/prices/. It should be a value between 0 and 100.
