
47 results for "reservation"


If you want to offer open return reservations you can check the This is an open return bundle checkbox to use this bundle to create the open part of that particular reservation. This bundle will not be available to be sell on it's own.

productsbundlesbookletsBundle redeemable item

Scanner account settings

This option will allow to redeem tickets of all the products associated with a given trip. For example, if we have a reservation product associated to a given trip and we also have a ticket product associated to it then we will be able to redeem the tickets related to the ticket product.


Mandatory admin configuration

Probably the most commonly used product in the Betterez platform, the Reservation product allows customers to make reservations for a known origin and destination on a specified date in time. From there, the reservation product can get very specific using additional features such fare types, fare classes, brands, inventory, seatmaps, amenity groups and a host of other features.


Sales Flow

Open return reservations, are a variation of the product that allow the departure part of a trip to be a firm reservation (with a given day and trip) and the return portion of it is a redeemable item that can be converted in a proper reservation at a later day.


Bundle redeemable item

With the scanner app, the driver can simply scan the QR code of a redeemable item and, as long as the stations in the RI matches the current trip, a new reservation will be created for the passenger.

Print templates

Notice that in some cases you may want to use different Ids for different items that may have different characteristics, even if they belong to the same product and type. For example: reservations in the same account sometimes have seat information and sometimes they don't depending on the schedule. You may want to test how your template behaves with the different reservations.

printingprint templatesprinters

Products - Paid in item

There is no option for taxes per origin or destination as Paid In items are not dependent on a reservation. Please make sure the station you have selected as the shift location has the right Country or Province so the taxes are applied correctly.

Paid-inPaid inPaidAncillary

Cross Border Taxation

In order to use the Cross Border Taxation Basic Setup functionality, it is mandatory to configure only two sections: Tax Level and Route and fare level. Unlike Cross Border Taxation, it is not necessary to mark the stations as 'Is Border' since the logic of this setup takes the last station in the country of origin of the reservation as the 'Border' station.


Self service change

To enable your customers to have the option of making changes to their reservation using the Betterez Self Service Portal, you can select the "Enable self service change" option under the Customer account settings.


Paid in item create

Creating and using an Attach-To-Ticket paid-in item follows the same process as creating Paid an item product and making it available for sale. There is, however, one small difference as it pertains to the purchase flow of a reservation product, since users will have the chance to choose it or not at the end of the new sales flow


Operation messages create

The use of the operation messages feature will help communicate service disruptions/cancellations in a particular area to customers (via websales) and back-office users alike purchasing a reservation product or redeeming a flex-pass for a reservation.

Products - flexpass

Reservation Product: Using the drop down menu, select the reservation product with which you would like to associate the redemption of this Flex Pass.



Likewise, a websales user can redeem a Flexpass in advance for a reservation product through the internet. To do so, the client will have to copy and paste the Flexpass ID (FD-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) that can be found in their transaction confirmation in the space on the corresponding Flexpass product screen and clicking the Redeem button.

monthly passdaily passpass productflexpassmulti-pass

Multicurrency solution

The Betterez Reservation and Ticketing Management Platform now allows you to sell and display all of your products in different currencies. Once this feature is enabled in your account from the back-end, you can begin the configuration of our Multicurrency Solution in your account.

Where's my bus?

Also on the confirmation email attached to a specific reservation, there is a section that says Where's my bus? Click Here


Fare type combo box

When a customer confirms membership to part of a special group to which special pricing applies, the back office agent can use hide their fare type behind a combo box in order find the special fare agreement before requesting ID and continuing through the sales flow to purchase a reservation product.

Products - bundles

The Bundle family of products, allow you to create different "bundles" or multi-trip booklets that can be sold at a discount and redeemed by the passenger at a later time for a proper reservation.

bundleredeemable items

'Attach to ticket' Paid in item

What we need now is to have an item associate to that paid in product. If we go to Admin -> Items and edit one of them, we'll notice the Type field will show the different options of Paid in products. We need to choose one of them. But that's not the only setting required, since we need to turn the Attach to Ticket flag ON and doing so we'll have the chance to set a Product related from a list of Reservation products in order to get it working along the simplified sales flow:

paid inattachedticket

Account setup

Always apply taxes to fees When enabled, this will override the taxable setting of the cancel fees and products in a transaction, to always apply any corresponding taxes to the cancel fees (only applicable to reservation and parcel products)



When purchasing a product from reservation (where the confirmation email has a link to change the ticket) or product that requires redeeming an item (such as bundle or flexpass), the link in the confirmation email will point to the first url that is available for that product. Even if it is available for All Domains or for several domains such as Domain 1 and Domain 2 it will always link to the Domain 1.


Payment Providers: Default Referenced payment methods

In all cases, the general mechanic behind each payment type involves interaction with an external service where a unique reference number is obtained. These payment types are asynchronous as it is the extermal system who will update the status of the payment before processing the reservation based on the unique reference number. There are 3 status that can be returned by the external service:



The product mapping allows you to select for which common consumer and provider product sales can be made. Only available for reservation and ticket product families. It is possible to select more than one.


Producto pagado (Paid in item) 'Adjuntado a un ticket'

A continuación vamos a necesitar un item asociado al producto pagado que seteamos previamente. Si nos dirigmios a Admin -> Items y editamos uno de ellos, podremos ver que el campo Tipo mostrará las diferentes opciones posibles que hemos creado para los productos pagados, por lo que debemos elegir una de ellas. Sin embargo, ese no es el único seteo que necesitamos, ya que además tendremos que asegurarnos de encender la opción Adjuntar al ticket, lo cual nos habilitará a elegir un Producto asociado, que debemos eligir de una lista de productos de familia Reservation y quedar, de este modo, listo para ser utilizado en el flujo simplificado de ventas.

producto pagadoadjuntadoticketpasaje

Shopping cart

Notice the shopping cart icon in the image below - this will appear on the webpage after the user selects at least one ticket, and provides their name and e-mail. Users can click the cart to get a view of the list of purchased fares, and move onward to the payment webpage. Alternatively, customers can also click the 'Continue Shopping' button which will redirect them to the reservations webpage.


Changing a ticket

This means that trying to change a ticket that was "paid" with a flexpass will require the customer to pay for the full amount of the ticket (defined for the related reservations product) plus any applicable fees.
