
133 resultados de "sso"

Single Sign On

You need to enable single sign on by checking the Enabled field. If you enable SSO you will also need to make sure to configure the provider below.


Inicio de sesión único

Debe habilitar el inicio de sesión único marcando el campo Habilitado. Si habilita SSO, también deberá asegurarse de configurar el proveedor a continuación.

ventas web

Special service requests report

You can use the gear icon to toggle different fields and select the data you would like to view. Don't forget that the columns can be dragged-and-dropped and positioned in a custom order. Use the download button beside the gear icon to download either the page you are viewing, or all of the data contained within your filter and fields you have selected into a csv format to the email address associated with your account.

ssrsspecial requestspecial service requestsreports


Name of the schedule associated to the manifest (in this case 09:00); effective date and time for the manifest, (this correspond to the date and time the vehicle starts it's journey).


Scanner account settings

This option will allow to redeem tickets of all the products associated with a given trip. For example, if we have a reservation product associated to a given trip and we also have a ticket product associated to it then we will be able to redeem the tickets related to the ticket product.


Paid in item create

Type: Select the product from the drop-down menu to which you would like to associate the apply in station item. Apply in station items will only appear as selectable if Paid in item product is selected.


'Attach to ticket' Paid in item

What we need now is to have an item associate to that paid in product. If we go to Admin -> Items and edit one of them, we'll notice the Type field will show the different options of Paid in products. We need to choose one of them. But that's not the only setting required, since we need to turn the Attach to Ticket flag ON and doing so we'll have the chance to set a Product related from a list of Reservation products in order to get it working along the simplified sales flow:

paid inattachedticket

Stations and locations

The province entered here will be pulled from the taxes in cases where you apply taxes by province and changing a name here will affect the taxes as well. You will have to go back to the taxes page and fix the associated taxes.



When moving a ticket, you can only transfer it to a different time, and it has to remain within the same Origin and Destination. Move is more of an admin function (IROPs), since there are less restrictions than with a regular change. Also, there are no fees associated with the Move function.


Pricing - market pricing

You can filter the list by route, product or both. The filters are inclusive, if you select both a route and a product the only results that you will see are fare tables for that product as long as they are also associated to the route. So if that route is not associated to the product you will not see any results.

pricingmarket pricingreservationsmodifiers

Pricing - parcel zones

Select a product to associate this zone to a parcel product. Make sure is the correct product. This combo box will show all products of the parcel family, regardless of the pricing schema configured in the product. This allows you to create a parcel zone for a product configured with a different pricing schema and change the pricing schema of the product once all the prices are created.

pricingparcel zoneszones

Creating Dynamic Forms

This will open the details screen. It's the same screen as to create a new Dynamic Forms but the fields will be completed with the information associated to the Dynamic Forms that you are editing.

Dynamic Forms

Operation messages create

Warning If =true the operation message will appear as a warning (in an orange colour), but still allow the customer to proceed with the purchase. If warning is selected and a station is not associated to the warning, the warning message will apply to all stations network-wide.

Data Archiving

Rules for archiving data starts with the creation date of a transaction. If the creation date of a transaction is greater than the threshold set for the account, it becomes a candidate to be archived. In the example given in the first image, this would be greater than 365 days. In order for the transaction, or any data associated to the transaction to be archived, it must meet the following conditions:

data archivingarchivingreports


  • If a fee is configured as “Apply on cancel”, it will apply to any cancellation that has an associated transaction fee. The product that is configured does not matter and ONLY apply to the transaction fee, not to the ticket or ticket fee (unless it is for the configured product)

Payments report

You can use the gear icon to toggle different fields and select the data you would like to view. Don't forget that the columns can be dragged-and-dropped and positioned in a custom order. Use the download button beside the gear icon to download either the page you are viewing, or all of the data contained within your filter and fields you have selected into a csv format to the email address associated with your account.



At the end of the business day the shift is closed after having reconciled all transactions recorded at the selected stop. When first logging-in, agents will choose their location, and accept the confirmation message to associate all sales made to the selected location. See the image below.


Products - flexpass

Reservation Product: Using the drop down menu, select the reservation product with which you would like to associate the redemption of this Flex Pass.


Account setup

Email refund receipts automatically: when selected, upon completing a refund (cancellation) an email will be send to the customer associated to the original transaction with details of the refund and a PDF of the transaction details.
