
44 results for "parcels"

Products - parcels

The Parcel family of products, allows you to create product lines that are used to sell parcels. Parcels can be any type of item that users want to ship from one place to another.


Parcel report

This report shows information about any Parcels. This can include parcels in paid, waiting for payment, canceled and All status as well as ticket changes. Since the system allows to have several policies for these operations, this report will show the details of each parcel and the total amount of each of them.


Parcel scanning

Note that parcels currently only work in 'Simple Scan' and 'Online' modes

Parcel zones

Any given province or state can only be associated with one zone. This means that if you have one set of prices for intra-provincial parcels and another for inter-provincial parcels, then you have to create a new product line to be able to have a new set of zone prices for the same province

Scanner app changelog 4.x.x

The most significant changes for this version are the possibility of scanning monthly passes (trip online and trip offline) and a new validation for parcels that prevents scans after it was delivered.


Pricing - parcel zones

You will enter prices one line at a time with a weight and distance range. When searching for prices the algorithm will try to match a record here based on the total weight of all parcels of the same fare type in a shipment and the distance between origin and destination.

pricingparcel zoneszones

Parcel scans report

Once on the Parcels report page, you will see that there are a variety of filters to select the data you are interested in viewing. As shown below, the filtering options available include filtering by Scanned From and to, Roles, User, Agency, Parcel status, Product, Scan Status, From and To. Once you have selected the data you wish to view, click the "Apply Filters" button to display the data.

parcel scansreports

Parcel scanning work flow

The logistics tracking system that provides visibility of parcels as they move through the delivery process. From receiving the parcel through final delivery, this system lets you visualize the statuses at every step.

Parcel fare type

  • If you have other products in your account, make sure to highlight 'Parcels' in the 'Products:' list


Notice at the top right of the screen, that if all parcels have insurances created for it, you will see a message stating that.



You can create and maintain a database of company names and associated liaisons to auto-populate the Ship To and Ship From sections in Parcels.



Puede crear y mantener una base de datos de nombres de empresas y enlaces asociados para completar automáticamente las secciones Enviar a y Enviar desde en Parcels.
