
40 results for "Refunds"


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Refunds report

This report shows information about any refunds. This can include both cancellations and ticket changes. Since the system allows to have several policies for these operations, this report will show the details for each transaction and the total amount refunded after any fees are applied.


Reconciliation formula

For tickets that were changed, the original transaction that generated the ticket and ticket info remain the same and offset each other. To record the change, the system will create a new transaction with "0" balance, in which you will see a new ticket with the ticket amount, and a refund with the same amount. So using the formula above you will have tickets minus refunds equals transactions which is 0.


Fees create

  • Though fees can be set as cancellable, this also depends on the user's roles and permissions. Contact Betterez support if your config has refunds enabled but fees are still not refundable.

Network / Agencies

  • Agencies can have any currency that is enabled on your main account. However, it should be limited to one currency per agency account. This consideration was designed in order to be able to handle refunds correctly.

Terms and conditions

Below the Product T&C's, you have the option to add specific Terms and Conditions to each Fare Class you define under Operations -> Fare Classes. Here you can describe any additional information about refunds or changes that are only applicable to a certain Fare Class.

Terms and Conditions

Customers report

Scrolling down within this view allows the user to click on different tabs to display historical transaction information as it pertains to actual transactions, unique tickets, refunds, redemptions, and loyalty points movements.
