
32 results for "cancellations"


Go to Admin/Setup and on Customizations click the checkbox for "Manual Penalty" on Ticket Cancellations to enable the feature


Refunds report

This report shows information about any refunds. This can include both cancellations and ticket changes. Since the system allows to have several policies for these operations, this report will show the details for each transaction and the total amount refunded after any fees are applied.


Reconciliation formula

For tickets that were cancelled, similar to the changed tickets, the original transactions and tickets remain the same; a new transaction is created to record the cancellation. But what differs is that there will be no tickets created, instead, a refund will be created, if there a fee setup for cancellations, a transaction fee record will be created too. Taking a ticket worth $10 for example, and fee for cancellation is $1 for example, the system will record a refund of 10, transaction fee of 1, and transaction of -9, so the formula will work as -10+1- (-9) =0


Customers report

Cancellations are not discounted from the Clout (they do not affect the ranking of Newbie, Average, Rockstar), but they are discounted from the LTV.


Operation messages create

The use of the operation messages feature will help communicate service disruptions/cancellations in a particular area to customers (via websales) and back-office users alike purchasing a reservation product or redeeming a flex-pass for a reservation.