
32 results for "language"

No found trips message

NOTE: If you have more than one language enabled in your account, you can enter the same message in the other languages.


The Betterez Loyalty configuration page is divided into four main sections. Depending on the languages enabled in the account, the user will have to translate and enter the information from the main language of the account into the others languages that are enabled.


Service types

You will need to enter a name in each of the languages enabled for your account. This is the name that will be used in the sales page and in the waybill as well that in reports and parcel details page.

parcelszone pricesservice types


Language: Select the default language for the user. Leaving the selection as Use browser settings will automatically select the language configured at the browser level.


Seat Class

You will need to upload a name and a description of the type of entry for each language configured in the account.


Check in settings

The first one will have the messages for each enabled language of the account that will appear depending on the selection of the card that appear below.



If you use Excel make sure to save the template as a csv file and that you are using the proper encoding for your language (utf-8) is recommended. If not accents and special characters will be lost when saving the file. utf-8 with BOM is not supported.


Print templates

By default the only data will be loaded is the language, channel and humanDate. (This channel is not the same as the template channel property, the humanDate comes from the account configuration, same as the language).

printingprint templatesprinters

Products - parcels

You will need to enter the name and the description in each of the languages you support. (In the screen below the account supports 5 languages).


Single Sign On

You can enter the error message for your customers when the authorization fails in all the supported languages for your account.



You can enter this messages in all the supported languages for your account.
