
39 results for "credit"

Proveedores de pago

Solo se permite un método de pago 'online_credit' por cuenta. Si hay otro habilitado, una advertencia le informará que antes de guardar los cambios después de presionar el botón "Habilitar y guardar":


Payments online refunds

NOTE: In some cases, trying to refund an transaction may result in an error stating "The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit." Usually, the user is attempting to return an order on the same day that they did the original charge. This is not possible because the original charge is still an "unsettled" charge until you run the end of day, so does not recognize the original charge yet. The solution is to try to refund the transaction after it settles on the next business day.

Payments moneris address verification

Enabling this feature does not in of itself prevent fraudulent purchases, in fact, in most cases credit card issuers will still accept payments, even if there is no match.

Changing a ticket

When you get to the payment step, the Shopping Cart page will show the purchase details with the ticket price, fees (if they apply), and the change credit listed.



Proration tracks all payments. In the above case the client purchased a ticket with credit, debit and cash. Then made a change with an extra fee and paid this change again in cash.


Payments online

Note: online payment only supports credit cards, debit card payments are only supported in person.