
26 results for "flexpass"


In order to purchase a flex pass there first must exist a flexpass payment type as well as a flexpass product in your account. Once created, the flexpass can be made available for purchase in the backoffice, agency backoffice, websales, and/or agency websales sales channels.

monthly passdaily passpass productflexpassmulti-pass

Products - flexpass

If you modify a flex pass in use from Product A to Product B, all previous flex passes purchased with the flex pass linked to Product A wont be able to be redeemed for Product B but will still stay redeemable for Product A. Even if flexpass has already been modified to Product B. All future purchased flex passes will be redeemed with Product B.



In order to purchase a flex pass there first must exist a flexpass payment type as well as a flexpass product in your account. Once created, the flexpass can be made available for purchase in the backoffice, agency backoffice, websales, and/or agency websales sales channels.

monthly passdaily passpass productflexpassmulti-pass

Productos - flexpass

Si modifica un pase flexible en uso del Producto A al Producto B, todos los pases flexibles anteriores comprados con el pase flexible vinculado al Producto A no podrán canjearse por Producto B pero seguirá siendo canjeable por Producto A. Incluso si flexpass ya se ha modificado al Producto B. Todos los pases flexibles adquiridos en el futuro se canjearán con Producto B.

pase flexiblepase flexible

Pase flexible

Para comprar un pase flexible, primero debe existir un tipo de pago de pase flexible así como un [producto de pase flexible](https:// en su cuenta. Una vez creado, el flexpass puede estar disponible para su compra en los canales de backoffice, backoffice de agencia, ventas web y/o ventas web de agencia.

pase mensualpase diarioproducto de pasepase flexiblepase múltiple

Cambiar un billete

Cuando un Flexpass está configurado para ser "canjeado por adelantado", los clientes pueden ingresar al flujo de venta para reservar un asiento antes de su viaje y "pagar" utilizando su pase flexible. Los billetes que se generaron a partir de un canje de Flexpass se pueden cambiar o cancelar para obtener asientos libres. Sin embargo, el sistema no otorgará ningún crédito por la operación de cambio para evitar fraudes.



You can cancel available FlexPass that have not been used and have been configured as cancellable. If the FlexPass has expired it cannot be cancelled.



Puede cancelar FlexPass disponibles que no se hayan utilizado y se hayan configurado como cancelables. Si el FlexPass ha caducado no se puede cancelar.


Changing a ticket

When a Flexpass is configured to be "redeemed in advance, " customers can enter the sales flow to reserve a seat before their trip and "pay" using their flex pass. Tickets that were generated from a flexpass redemption can be changed or cancelled to free seats. However, the system will not grant any credit for the change operation to prevent fraud.


Seat Class

IMPORTANT: In the case of redeemable items, open return and flexpass, the seat class will not be applied even though a seat has a fee configured.


Seat Fees

IMPORTANT: In the case of redeemable items, open return and flexpass, the seat fee will not be applied even though a seat has a fee configured.


Seat Class

-peligro IMPORTANTE: En el caso de artículos canjeables, devolución abierta y flexpass, no se aplicará la clase de asiento aunque un asiento tenga tarifa configurada.



Punto final de solicitud: Este punto final se utilizará para enviar solicitudes GET y POST para algunas acciones que su aplicación puede querer realizar, como restablecer una contraseña (action='resetPwd'), cambios de autoservicio (action='change' ), usando un certificado de regalo (action='useGiftCertificate'), canjeando un flexpass (action='redeemFlexpass'), registrando a un usuario usando un jwtToken (action='logginUser'), etc.



When purchasing a product from reservation (where the confirmation email has a link to change the ticket) or product that requires redeeming an item (such as bundle or flexpass), the link in the confirmation email will point to the first url that is available for that product. Even if it is available for All Domains or for several domains such as Domain 1 and Domain 2 it will always link to the Domain 1.



Request endpoint: This endpoint will be used to send GET and POST requests for some actions that your application may want to do, like resetting a pwd (action='resetPwd'), self service changes (action='change'), using a gift certificate (action='useGiftCertificate'), redeeming a flexpass (action='redeemFlexpass'), logging a user using a jwtToken (action='logginUser'), etc.

ApplicationSingle sign on