
11 results for "loyalty"

Loyalty add remove points

Once a user is enrolled in the loyalty program, points can be manually added to or removed from the loyalty member's account by an administrative user. The ability to add or remove points is hidden behind a permission that can be added to a user role upon request by contacting The user adding or removing the points must also select one of the pre-configured reasons for the addition or deletion of points and may also add a free-text comment.


Loyalty enroll

If in the Enrollment section of the configuration of the loyalty program, the checkbox Enroll customer by default was left blank, the customer will not be automatically enrolled into the Loyalty Program. If this is the case, the customer can enroll in the loyalty program in one of two ways:


Loyalty movements report

If the loyalty module is enabled in an account, the user will have access to the Loyalty movements report. In order to access this report, navigate to Intelligence -> Loyalty movements


Pricing - market pricing

Loyalty points are assigned at the leg level and added up for the whole trip. Loyalty points to accumulate are always added and if a segment doesn't have points it will be assigned a value of zero, so a customer will receive a total of points only for the legs that credited points once the whole trip is redeemed.

pricingmarket pricingreservationsmodifiers

Customers report

Scrolling down within this view allows the user to click on different tabs to display historical transaction information as it pertains to actual transactions, unique tickets, refunds, redemptions, and loyalty points movements.



La página de configuración de Betterez Loyalty está dividida en cuatro secciones principales. Dependiendo de los idiomas habilitados en la cuenta, el usuario deberá traducir e ingresar la información del idioma principal de la cuenta a los demás idiomas que estén habilitados.
