
11 results for "prorate"


When the you have the prorate option enabled, the amount to be refunded will be prorated among all the payment types used in the ticket and in previous tickets in cases where the ticket was changed.



You have to activate the check on Prorate refund amounts based on payment history to proceed with the cancellation of the transaction or ticket.



This table is also used to show or hide pricing for a specific origin and destination, so even if you do not need to calculate or prorate taxes you still need to fill it out for the pricing to work and trips to show in the trip search, but in this case you can add just "1".


Products - parcels

Zone pricing also allows you to change the way that prices are calculated. By default packages of the same fare types are grouped and the volume is calculated as a single package and the price is prorated into each package according to it's dimentions.
